EDUC 5053 WI03

Topics in Education: Mentoring Beginning Teachers

Access: Elective for all students except counselling

This course is intended to help practicing teachers gain knowledge and experience in the skills and procedures necessary for the effective mentoring of student teachers and beginning teachers. The skills and procedures include, but are not limited to, planning, orientation, communication, supervision, and evaluation. This online, scheduled course has scheduled start and end dates, and students progress through the course as a group and meet date-specific milestones. Minimum enrollment needed is 10 students. Instead of a specific text, students will be provided with various readings, module notes, and websites. Students are encouraged to develop their own portfolios of readings in the area of research and in specific topic areas of personal and professional interest.

Instructor: Heather Stephens
Location: Online
Dates: Winter 2025: January 15 - April 1
Schedule: Online scheduled - Format: eight modules, set commencement and completion dates, asynchronous delivery, set dates for assignments and online discussions, fixed schedule