Master of Education in Curriculum Studies with a Focus in Music Education
30 credit-hours
Acadia University's Master of Education in Curriculum Studies with a Focus in Music Education program provides opportunities to learn and share experiences with colleagues in courses that offer both theoretical grounding and practical application. Through this program, music educators will learn skills to transform their teaching practice and music programs.
In this part-time program, you complete 10 courses over a two-year period. Course facilitation will comprise in-person, synchronous, and asynchronous modalities. Online courses are provided in the fall, winter, and spring, with in-person classes held at Acadia University in the summer terms. Your program will build from one course to the next (unlike many online-only programs), culminating in a capstone experience.
Our program is designed to be course-based, but you can also consider a thesis option.
In our Music Education program, you will:
- Participate in a program that is grounded in culturally responsive pedagogies where music educators can collaborate and learn new skills
- Further your professional development and acquire knowledge and skills to assess existing programming
- Complete course work offered through a combination of online learning opportunities and in-person classes held at Acadia University
- Study in a proven program completed by 143 elementary and secondary music teachers across Canada and beyond since 2012
- Enjoy individual attention from professors who can relate to you as an educator
2024 Cohort Courses:
EDUC 5053: Topics in Ed: Culturally Responsive Music Education, Winter 2024 (Online)
EDUC 5513: Research design in Music Education, Spring 2024 (Online)
EDUC 5633: Curriculum Foundations, Summer 2024 (Acadia University)
EDUC 5053: Teaching Through Mixed & Non-Traditional Ensembles in Elementary and Secondary Settings, Summer 2024 (Acadia University)
EDUC 5053: Topics in Ed: Creativity in Music Education, Fall 2024 (Online)
EDUC 5643: Major Theoretical Developments in Curriculum Studies, Winter 2025 (Online)
EDUC 5843: Instructional Design: Music Education, Summer 2025 (Acadia University)
EDUC 5053: Topics in Ed: Music Playshop, Summer 2025 (Acadia University)
EDUC 5053: Topics in Ed: Curriculum Practice in Music Learning Contexts - Capstone Experience, Fall 2025 (Online)
EDUC 5143 Educational Explorations OR Elective of Choice, on students' own time
The deadline to apply for the 2024 Master of Education in Curriculum Studies with a Focus in Music Education was November 24th, 2023.
Information on future cohorts will be provided here as it becomes available.
We encourage you to read the information and requirements for the graduate-level admissions process.
Applications for graduate education programs at Acadia include:
- Application (Online)
- Application Fee
- Letter of Intent (uploaded)
- Resume/CV (uploaded)
- Official Transcripts from each post-secondary institution attended (mailed)
- Two Reference Letters
- If you have taken a course in the last five years, or are currently enrolled in a course, one academic and one professional reference is required.
- If you have not taken a course in the last five years, two professional references are required.
Instructions for Letter of Intent for MEd-Curriculum: Curriculum Studies in Music
In addition to the general application procedures for graduate studies, the “letter of intent” is an important artefact that helps the reviewers of applications know and understand you, your background, your intentions, and your interest/motivation in this program. It often helps reviewers differentiate among applications; they are especially important when there is tremendous demand for a program.
Please use the following prompts and questions to guide your letter of intent. Please keep your letter of intent to a maximum of two pages. You do not need to speak to each point; rather we suggest you write to the points that will be most helpful allowing us insight into your background, passions, curiosities, etc.
- Describe your personal and professional experiences that position you to join this cohort with a focus on music education.
- How do your current, or recent, professional and personal connections to teaching, learning, and making music demonstrate your commitment to music curriculum development, particularly within a culturally responsive framework?
- What do you hope to learn through your participation in this graduate program?
- Cohort Graduate study in the area of Music Education is constructively challenging in both its content and learning process. In terms of your own professional growth: why this program and why now?
Mailing Address:
Acadia University, Graduate Studies
18 University Ave, 214 Horton Hall, Box 70, Wolfville, NS, B4P 2R6
Please visit our Graduate Admissions page to learn more about entry requirements.
If you have any questions about the application process for a graduate education program at Acadia, please contact our Graduate Studies Office, by emailing
Applicants should be advised that the application process is competitive. Students in the pool of applications often meet the minimum requirement yet distinguish themselves through other aspects of the application documentation and/or process. Given the number of applications received, the faculty is not resourced sufficiently to respond to queries about unsuccessful applications.
School of Education | Open Acadia | School of Education |
Dr. Gregory MacKinnon | Christina McRae | Brenda Harris |
Graduate Coordinator | Manager, Credit Programs | Graduate Education Course Manager |
School of Education | Open Acadia | School of Education |
Acadia University | Acadia University | Acadia University |
Wolfville, NS, B4P 2R6 | Wolfville, NS, B4P 2R6 | Wolfville, NS, B4P 2R6 | | | |
All students in the cohort must meet the academic requirements for admission to graduate studies in the School of Education at Acadia University. Please be aware that it is your responsibility to monitor your own program and to ensure that you have met degree requirements.
- A collaboration of Acadia University's School of Music and School of Education
- Two-year, part-time program
- Includes online classrooms, blended learning, and summer study
- Thesis option available