Admission & Registration

Applying (New Students)

  • Apply to Acadia University using the Graduate Studies online application form. We also encourage you to read the information and requirements for the graduate-level admissions process. Select "Master of Education" if you are applying for an MEd program.
  • If you are applying to take a course(s) as an Independent Student, please indicate under Intended Program of Study that you are applying as an "Independent (No Program)".
  • If you are applying on a Letter of Permission from another university, please indicate that in the Notes section.
  • Provide all required documentation and transcripts
  • We will confirm your acceptance within 3-4 business days and then provide you with information on registering for your courses
  • Prospective applicants to the Master of Education-Counselling program are advised to additional information here:

Registering for a Course

  • Find courses by visiting the Course Listing page
  • Find courses by logging into our Self Service portal at MyAcadia. Select Course Catalog and choose Education as the subject to see a complete list of courses that you can filter by term, location, etc.
  • Pay your tuition to complete your registration. Please note that, like other Nova Scotia institutions, we no longer accept credit cards to pay tuition and academic fees. Please visit our Student Accounts page for information about payment options, including online banking.
About Registration
  • Enrollment is limited in Education courses. Spaces are filled on a first-come, first-paid basis until the course is full. Some courses and programs have specific restrictions on who may take courses, and space may be limited for Independent students not enrolled in a degree program.
  • Courses are subject to minimum and maximum enrollments, and you are advised to register early to avoid disappointment. If you are unable to take a course as scheduled, please inform us. Courses with low enrollment are subject to cancellation.
  • A seat will be reserved for you only when payment has been received in full.
Course Loads and Theses
  • A full-time student is defined as one who takes 9 credit-hours or more per term. The normal expectation for part-time students is one 3 credit-hour course per term, with the exception of the Summer Institute.
  • Prior to Thesis registration, students must complete at least 9 credit-hours including EDUC 5513 Research Design and EDUC 5113 Qualitative Research in Education.


How to Pay